A little more from Thursday at FGS

Well, hanging out with other Geneabloggers is certainly much more entertaining than sitting around in my hotel room writing the next post.  I said there would be more from Thursday, so here is a bit more before I head out again to attend FGS today.  Also there’s a time-sensitive promo code in this post…
The photo shows what I managed to fit into my swag bag from the conference floor yesterday.  I mentioned that there was a feeding frenzy at a couple of booths, and the bottom-most two items in this picture are my catches from them.  The T-shirt is a promotion from FamilySearch to further advertise the Civil War collections there.  With all the times that I saw the announcement slide in sessions yesterday, I get the feeling that I’ll be seeing it again today.  The second early morning freebie was the book At Home With Illinois Governors shown here.  Looking around the interwebs, I see used copies available for under $10, so it shouldn’t be too hard to pick it up if you didn’t attend FGS.

The next item on the stack here is a back issue of the Indiana Historical Society’s publication, Connections.  I grabbed the Fall/Winter 2009 issue specifically because there is a family story about one of my great uncles getting committed to a mental hospital in Indianapolis in the 1920s.  This issue gave me a little more background on where he may have been and how to get more information.  Working up the pile from there is a book that also covers information from the same family branch.  The Beach, Meharry and Rice families that I’ve mentioned several times before spent a few generations in Montgomery County, Indiana, and the book that I got yesterday lists a few of the names that I recognize and shows where the land they owned was located.  Once I work through this information more, I’ll put another post up about it.

Family Tree Magazine was giving away free copies of a couple recent issues as well.  I had wanted to get a sample copy to review for some time.  Now it’s on my review stack.

The last item here is the magazine of the Wisconsin Historical Society.  Since I live in Madison and have found valuable references that relate to my research at the society’s library, signing up for a family membership was a fairly easy sell for me.  I haven’t gotten that far on the Surname Saturday posts yet, but one of my wife’s lines, the Dunn family line, lived in Mineral Point for a while.  I’ll have more details on the line once I can get back into the weekly posts.

Okay, one final item before I head out for breakfast and off to the conference…  I was finally able to connect with the FamilySearch reps to find out what I missed from Tuesday’s blogger reception.  There was a lot of information presented then; I’ll be going through the documentation later and posting some tidbits when I can.  The important time-sensitive item here, though, is a promotional code that is available to everyone right now.

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If you register for RootsTech before 11:59pm on Saturday, September 10, use the promo code FGS99 and you’ll be able to register at the FGS show special price of $99, which itself is $30 off the early bird registration that’s available through November.  The flyer that I was given yesterday notes that regular registration fee is $189, which makes this just over half off.  So, assuming that you’re reading this on September 9 (today) or 10 (tomorrow), go register now with the promo code and you’ll get the lower rate.

Okay, time for breakfast and to head off to the conference for today.  More later!

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