
More handwriting interpretation

Every once in a while, I take a ride through the links available through the Stumble Upon toolbar.  Since I can specify exactly which kinds of links that I want to look at, I always find something interesting.  Today's tour was no different, and it reminded me of a topic that has popped up a few times recently. 

Last month I wrote about my thoughts on cursive handwriting.  Conversation at a wedding reception that I attended on Saturday also turned to cursive and generally mirrored my thoughts there (yes, we were all nerds there).  Finally, today I came across a link through Stumble Upon that took me to a page at the Library of Congress.  The specific article that was presented to me detailed a change that Thomas Jefferson made while he was writing the American Declaration of Independence.  The article detailed the change from "our fellow-subjects" to "our fellow-citizens", a change that symbolizes the change in thinking for the population of the American Colonies.  But it struck me that he simply wrote the new word over the old word.  It seemed to me that this might be one reason why it can be difficult to interpret handwriting sometimes.  Well, it's at least something to keep in mind as I continue my research.

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